Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vision of Death.

I saw a fat  unconscious man , dying in my arms , a  weeping woman breaking her bangles , and  with a jerk I got up . I had just seen a Vision of death . Someone  was going to die  , but who ? I was not aware of it . I  woke  up my wife Vandana and told her about this vision . She was  aware of my visions . We were not able to sleep after that .

     At that time I was living in Bathla Appartment , in delhi . this was a group housing society , consisting of many different blocks of different sized flats . I was in the managing committee of the society . During summer season there happened to be water scarcity in certain blocks of the society and altercations  among residents were very common .
               We called for a meeting of some residents of different blocks, in the socity office , to solve this issue .We were discussing  amicably many problems , being faced by  the residents  . We were about ten  persons in that meeting . Suddenly an argument broke out between   Mr Sharma and  Mr Arora , who were also members of the committee.They started shouting at each other , we tried to pacify both of them .But they continued shouting at each other for some time and finally we were able to maintain peace.
                Mr  Arora , left the room and sat in an adjacent room and we continued our discussion regarding other society matters . Suddenly we heard strnge voices coming out of the other room , we all reached there and found that Mtr Arora  was having  aesthematic attack and was feeling problem in breathing .  we informed his family members and his wife reached there immediately . His condition was worsening , so we decided to take him to the nearby hospital in my car standing outside the society office .

                    He sat on the front  seat of the car besides the drivers seat and his wife and one Mr Saxena , sat on the back seat .I drove towards the hospital . The condition of Mr Arora was worsening . Suddenly he became unconscious and fall on me .With great difficulty I managed to drive and we reached the hospital. I came out and we tried to make him come out of the car but he fall in my arms . The doctor reached there and declared him dead . His wife started weeping and brake her bangles , the symbol of marriage , there .
           Suddenly I remembered the vision I had seen in the morning . Same scene , I had seen in that vision . Afat man lying in my arms and a woman weeping and breaking her bangles . The nature has  informed me I advance about the future death of someone , the identity of whom was disclosed now . I was stunned.
             Is life pre destined , are all incidents are planned and being acted beforehand and we  come across those incidents later .

Rajiv Jayaswal


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