Friday, September 21, 2012


On that day while  returning home from office , my car stopped at a red light . when green light occurred , I tried to start my car , but it did not . I tried again and again and when it did not start , I came out of tha car and tried to push it , but it did not move. Many other vehicles were behind my car and they were getting restless . I again entered in the car and tried to start it again but all in vain. Tired , I set silently on the seat and prayed to shirdi sai baba to help me and closed my eyes for some moments.
       A person knocked on my car window and asked me if I need help  and told me that shirdi sai baba had sent him to help me . I  could not believe my ears for only some seconds before I had prayed to sai baba for help.
        I came out of the car and he set on my seat and  to my surprise the car started immediately . the man came out of the car and after thanking him I inquired about his identity , he told me that he lived nearby and was passing by , when he saw that my car was not starting and sai baba asked him to help me . he also gave me bhabhut of sai baba .and moved from that place.
      the whole incident was unbelievable and was like a dream ,.. I reached home and told my wife about the whole incident . She was also very surprised and told me that Sai Baba himself had come to help me.
                                     I had never been to Shirdi . Next day , I booked a ticket for Manmad , the station for reaching Shirdi.
                                      As I reached Manmad , I enquired my co passengers about reaching Shirdi , one of them asked me to accompany him upto Shirdi in his car , which his driver had brought to carry him . He took me upto Shirdi with him , provided me breakfast at his residence and arranged for a hotel room for me . Incidentally , he was a member of the Shirdi Temple Trust , due to which I was able to enter the temple through a VIP door . I was able to pay my respect to Shirdi Sai , very comfortably .
                          This was really a miracle in my life .


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