Friday, September 21, 2012


At that time my both sons  were studying in Ryan internaional school , delhi . Iwas the secretary of the Parents Teachers Association of the school . There was a  Teachers
association  also in the school and Rupali Sood was the president of that association.
There occurred some dispute  between the management of the school and Teachers association and a strike was called by the teachers association in the school . Being secretary of the PTA , our support was also asked for and we supported them during their strike .i had many interactions with Rupali during that period.
    The strike continued for some days and after some days a settlement was reached between them and the strike ended.
            one night  I got a telephonic call from Rupali and we talked for a long duration and we decided to meet after two three days to discuss certain matters and I went to sleep.
                          All of sudden that I was sitting in a room  , a  young girl entered the room  and laid down on  the ground .and covered herself with a white sheet . I asked her to get up and to sleep on bed instead of sleeping on ground . The girl got up and disappeared flying in the sky.
                           I  got up , my whole body was shivering . I saw the time , it was exactly 4 .00 AM . I had just seen a strange dream . I felt it was a vision and not a dream . As if it was an indication of some happening.  I woke Up my wife Vandana , who was sleeping besides me and told her about the strange dream. After that we were unable to sleep and we lighted the whole lights of the house .
               Next day I was feeling very strange as if something bad is going to happen .The whole day passed . I came back to my residence from office in the evening . At about 7.00 in the evening I got a call from one school teacher of Ryan school , who informed me that Rupali had suddenly died due to aesthematic attack .I was stunned .
                 I with Vandana reached the house of Rupali . Her dead body was lying on the ground , covered with a white sheet . I remembered the vision seen by me in the morning ,
                         I was informed beforehand about this tragic incident but I was unable to know that  with whom this was going to happen . I realized that every incident , birth , death etc are pre destined .
 Rajiv Jayaswal

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