Thursday, August 1, 2013

Intuition Of Future Event

No body knows what will be happen, in future . The future is uncertain. But many times  we come across some indications of future happenings in advance.  Here I will like to narrate , one such incident.
            Mr. N. K. Jain is my friend  and is a practicing chartered accountant in delhi
He told me  an  incident which  happened  with his wife .
             His  wife had gone in  a state of depression. She was very disturbed and  as if  she wanted to say something but  was not able to say.                                                                      . All family members were  worried. About her condition.
               All  of sudden   her younger son  , who was 12 years old., got ill. Inspite of doctor’s treatment  his condition deteriorated and he had to  be admitted in the hospital. There was a lack of  water in the child’s body. The doctor informed to his parents about his critical situation and admitted to him in the ICU. One day child’s condition became very serious and it was like that he was not going to survive .. All family members were  worried.
                The doctor tried their best and the child started to improved in his health and after sometime he came out from that critical situation and he discharged from the hospital.
                 When child came back safely to home then Mrs. Jain also came out from her depression.
                  After narrating  all this Mr. Jain remained silent  for some time . I asked him that how all these things  were  related  with the depression of Mrs Jain .  I remained shocked after what he told.
                 He informed me that   , Mrs. Jain  was continuously seeing  a dream in which she was seeing the  death of her child. She could not tell all this to any one and she was 
 going in depression.
                   Then they understood that  it was was an  indication of future happening of her child’s condition of health.   Mrs jain was foreseeing the future illness ,and the  future near to death condition  of her son in her dreams regularly  in advance.

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