Sunday, August 11, 2013

At that time my son Vibhore was studying in 12th class and as per the Student Exchange Program , two visiting students from Lativia , were staying at our home as guests . they stayed with us for about seven days . i thought of gifting them two copies of holy book Bhagwad Gita , but forgot to purchase the books till the date , the Lativian guests had to leave our home .
         On the last day of their stay with us , i was  sad for not purchasing the book and there was no book store near our residence and the guests had to leave by next morning .
           In the evening my wife Vandana , asked me to accompany her upto nearby temple .As i  reached near temple , i saw two ladies from Iskon ,  standing on roadside and waving copies of Bhagwad Gita , for sale . I was too happy to see them and purchased two copies of the Gita .
                             i gifted those copies of Gita , to my guests . I am living in that area since last four years and that was the first time that i saw someone selling Gita there and after that day also i never saw those women in our area .
                              Was it i coincidence or a miracle that on the same day , i wished to gift those holy books to my guests , the Iskon members , came there for selling those books and that also at that particular time , when i reached at that place .
--------------------------------------Rajiv Jayaswal

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Intuition Of Future Event

No body knows what will be happen, in future . The future is uncertain. But many times  we come across some indications of future happenings in advance.  Here I will like to narrate , one such incident.
            Mr. N. K. Jain is my friend  and is a practicing chartered accountant in delhi
He told me  an  incident which  happened  with his wife .
             His  wife had gone in  a state of depression. She was very disturbed and  as if  she wanted to say something but  was not able to say.                                                                      . All family members were  worried. About her condition.
               All  of sudden   her younger son  , who was 12 years old., got ill. Inspite of doctor’s treatment  his condition deteriorated and he had to  be admitted in the hospital. There was a lack of  water in the child’s body. The doctor informed to his parents about his critical situation and admitted to him in the ICU. One day child’s condition became very serious and it was like that he was not going to survive .. All family members were  worried.
                The doctor tried their best and the child started to improved in his health and after sometime he came out from that critical situation and he discharged from the hospital.
                 When child came back safely to home then Mrs. Jain also came out from her depression.
                  After narrating  all this Mr. Jain remained silent  for some time . I asked him that how all these things  were  related  with the depression of Mrs Jain .  I remained shocked after what he told.
                 He informed me that   , Mrs. Jain  was continuously seeing  a dream in which she was seeing the  death of her child. She could not tell all this to any one and she was 
 going in depression.
                   Then they understood that  it was was an  indication of future happening of her child’s condition of health.   Mrs jain was foreseeing the future illness ,and the  future near to death condition  of her son in her dreams regularly  in advance.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Future Vision

I saw an ambulance carrying ladies and children to  Hospital . I saw myself standing before Hospital . I saw the 

faces of white young lady and children in the Ambulance . I asked someone  about that place and was told that it 

was America.     Suddenly i got up . I was seeing a dream but it was so clear . I was puzzled .Ii discussed this 

dream with my wife Vandana and my  sister Gurvinder Kaur . Gurvinder Told me that it could be indication of 

some future event .    Next day , i saw the news of  killing of teachers and students in a school of USA by an 

armed white man .      

 Had i got the vision of this incident in advance.    

Rajiv Jayaswal

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Miraculous Escape .

In our life sometimes strange incidents happen , and we are left amazed to describe these incidents as co incidences or miracles . I will like to narrate , one such incident , which happened with me last year.
          On that night , at about
11.30 pm , I was  working with my laptop in my drawing room , on a chair table , in the middle of the room . Suddenly my younger son , vibhore , came to me and insisted on giving  him my laptop for some time , though I was working but seeing his insistence , I agreed and  left the place and he sat on that chair , where I was sitting , but he slightly moved the chair ahead from it,s original position and started working on laptop. 
     I had just moved a little distance from there , as I heard a loud bang on my back side , as I moved back , I was stunned to see that the bif chandelier hanging on roof had fallen and big glass and wooden pieces , had scattered in the drawing room , except on the chair , where my son , vibhore was sitting .
                 my whole family and some neighbours , reached there and were stunned to see the scene there . If Vibhore , had not insisted me to leave the place , the chandelier would have fallen on my head and I would not have survived or had been seriously injured , and if he had not moved the chair ahead , he would have been hit .
       We all were surprised to see this miraculous escape . I still remember that incident many times and thank God for saving us.

Rajiv Jayaswal

Monday, September 24, 2012

Glimpse Of Swami Vivekanand

 I saw a glimpse of swami vivekanand in front of me , which  disappeared within seconds .  I got out of meditation. I had a strange feeling .  There was a strange aroma in the room . I thought I had seen a dream while meditating.
         I came out of my meditation room . It was about 4 .00 in the evening .  As I entered in my drawing room , I saw an invitation card lying on the table , as I saw that card I was stunned. There was a photograph of Swami Vivekanand on the card . the invitation was for vivekanand jayanti .
            I inquired from my son about that card , who informed me that one mr hedge from our society had come to  invite me for the function , while I was in meditation and surprisingly I had seen the glimpse of Swami ji at the same time.
           Mr Hegde , was  my neighbour and was chief manager of Vijaya  Bank . He was a member of Ram Krishna mission and was a spiritual person.
             I immediately went to the flat of Mr  Hegde , who was at his residence . He welcomed me and asked if I had received the invitation card . I told him about the glimpse of Vivekanand in my meditation, while he had come at my residence . He was very surprised and asked me how Swami ji looked like. I explained him ,what I had seen . He was more surprised . he took me to his other room , where there was a calendar of swami ji on the wall . To my utmost surprise the calendar photo was same , as I had seen in my meditation.
                  I  still can not believe that I had seen seen Swami ji in my meditation.

Rajiv Jayaswal

Saturday, September 22, 2012

the Ghost figure .

I saw a white figure entering inside  through a iron gate , the figure was human shaped and was flying in air , it came upto my residence and moved towards  back side of my flat  . I tried to follow it but suddenly my uncle , who had died many years back , suddenly appeared befoe me and forbade me to follow that figure .
                          I got up , my whole body was shivering . I saw the time , it was exactly 4.00 am . I immediately realized that I had just seen a Vision and some tragedy is going to happen that day . I woke my wife up and told her about this strange vision . Both of us were sure about happening of a tragedy .
               The whole day I remained disturbed . I was praying to God that nothing bad should occur . I reached my house in the evening . I had just  had my dinner , then we got a call from our neighbour that one Mr Gambhir , who used to live at the back side of my residence had expired.
          Now I understood the meaning of the Vision , I had seen in the early hours of that day .  I had seen the  messenger of death , entering in my society and flying towards the residence of Mr Gambhir .
                    I was regularly seeing such types of visions those days , indicating the future tragedies and all such visions used to  appear exactly at four am .
                     Strange are the ways of God , the more we try to  understand them , the more we get confused  .

Rajiv  Jayaswal

Vision of Death.

I saw a fat  unconscious man , dying in my arms , a  weeping woman breaking her bangles , and  with a jerk I got up . I had just seen a Vision of death . Someone  was going to die  , but who ? I was not aware of it . I  woke  up my wife Vandana and told her about this vision . She was  aware of my visions . We were not able to sleep after that .

     At that time I was living in Bathla Appartment , in delhi . this was a group housing society , consisting of many different blocks of different sized flats . I was in the managing committee of the society . During summer season there happened to be water scarcity in certain blocks of the society and altercations  among residents were very common .
               We called for a meeting of some residents of different blocks, in the socity office , to solve this issue .We were discussing  amicably many problems , being faced by  the residents  . We were about ten  persons in that meeting . Suddenly an argument broke out between   Mr Sharma and  Mr Arora , who were also members of the committee.They started shouting at each other , we tried to pacify both of them .But they continued shouting at each other for some time and finally we were able to maintain peace.
                Mr  Arora , left the room and sat in an adjacent room and we continued our discussion regarding other society matters . Suddenly we heard strnge voices coming out of the other room , we all reached there and found that Mtr Arora  was having  aesthematic attack and was feeling problem in breathing .  we informed his family members and his wife reached there immediately . His condition was worsening , so we decided to take him to the nearby hospital in my car standing outside the society office .

                    He sat on the front  seat of the car besides the drivers seat and his wife and one Mr Saxena , sat on the back seat .I drove towards the hospital . The condition of Mr Arora was worsening . Suddenly he became unconscious and fall on me .With great difficulty I managed to drive and we reached the hospital. I came out and we tried to make him come out of the car but he fall in my arms . The doctor reached there and declared him dead . His wife started weeping and brake her bangles , the symbol of marriage , there .
           Suddenly I remembered the vision I had seen in the morning . Same scene , I had seen in that vision . Afat man lying in my arms and a woman weeping and breaking her bangles . The nature has  informed me I advance about the future death of someone , the identity of whom was disclosed now . I was stunned.
             Is life pre destined , are all incidents are planned and being acted beforehand and we  come across those incidents later .

Rajiv Jayaswal